Ruby bindings for zstd library

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See zstd library.

Other bindings: lzw, brotli, bzip2.


Operating systems: GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, OSX.

Dependencies: zstd 1.4.0+ version.

Popular OS Dependencies
Ubuntu ‘libzstd-dev`
CentOS ‘libzstd-devel`
ArchLinux ‘zstd`
OSX ‘zstd`
gem install ruby-zstds

You can build it from source.

rake gem
gem install pkg/ruby-zstds-*.gem

You can also use overlay for gentoo.

Installation in macOS on Apple Silicon

On M1 Macs, Homebrew installs to /opt/homebrew, so you’ll need to specify its include and lib paths when building the native extension for zstd.

brew install zstd
gem install ruby-zstds -- --with-opt-include=/opt/homebrew/include --with-opt-lib=/opt/homebrew/lib

You can also configure Bundler to use those options when installing:

bundle config set build.ruby-zstds "--with-opt-include=/opt/homebrew/include --with-opt-lib=/opt/homebrew/lib"


There are simple APIs: String and File. Also you can use generic streaming API: Stream::Writer and Stream::Reader.

require "zstds"

data = ZSTDS::String.compress "sample string"
puts ZSTDS::String.decompress(data)

ZSTDS::File.compress "file.txt", "file.txt.zst"
ZSTDS::File.decompress "file.txt.zst", "file.txt""file.txt.zst") { |writer| writer << "sample string" }
puts"file.txt.zst") { |reader| }

writer = output_socket
  bytes_written = writer.write_nonblock "sample string"
  # handle "bytes_written"
rescue IO::WaitWritable
  # handle wait

reader = input_socket
  puts reader.read_nonblock(512)
rescue IO::WaitReadable
  # handle wait
rescue ::EOFError
  # handle eof

You can create dictionary using ZSTDS::Dictionary.

require "securerandom"
require "zstds"

samples = ( { ::SecureRandom.random_bytes(1 << 8) } + ["sample string"]).shuffle

dictionary = ZSTDS::Dictionary.train samples
File.write "dictionary.bin", dictionary.buffer, :mode => "wb"

dictionary_buffer = "dictionary.bin", :mode => "rb"
dictionary        = dictionary_buffer

data = ZSTDS::String.compress "sample string", :dictionary => dictionary
puts ZSTDS::String.decompress(data, :dictionary => dictionary)

You can create and read tar.zst archives with minitar.

require "zstds"
require "minitar" "file.tar.zst" do |writer| writer do |tar|
    tar.add_file_simple "file", :data => "sample string"
end "file.tar.zst" do |reader| reader do |tar|
    tar.each_entry do |entry|

You can also use Content-Encoding: zstd with sinatra:

require "zstds"
require "sinatra"

get "/" do
  headers["Content-Encoding"] = "zstd"
  ZSTDS::String.compress "sample string"

All functionality (including streaming) can be used inside multiple threads with parallel. This code will provide heavy load for your CPU.

require "zstds"
require "parallel"

Parallel.each large_datas do |large_data|
  ZSTDS::String.compress large_data


Please review rdoc generated docs.


Option Values Default Description
‘source_buffer_length` 0 - inf 0 (auto) internal buffer length for source data
‘destination_buffer_length` 0 - inf 0 (auto) internal buffer length for description data
‘gvl` true/false false enables global VM lock where possible
‘compression_level` -131072 - 22 0 (auto) compression level
‘window_log` 10 - 31 0 (auto) maximum back-reference distance (power of 2)
‘hash_log` 6 - 30 0 (auto) size of the initial probe table (power of 2)
‘chain_log` 6 - 30 0 (auto) size of the multi-probe search table (power of 2)
‘search_log` 1 - 30 0 (auto) number of search attempts (power of 2)
‘min_match` 3 - 7 0 (auto) minimum size of searched matches
‘target_length` 0 - 131072 0 (auto) distance between match sampling (for ‘:fast` strategy), length of match considered “good enough” for (for other strategies)
‘strategy` ‘STRATEGIES` nil (auto) choses strategy
‘enable_long_distance_matching` true/false nil (auto) enables long distance matching
‘ldm_hash_log` 6 - 30 0 (auto) size of the table for long distance matching (power of 2)
‘ldm_min_match` 4 - 4096 0 (auto) minimum match size for long distance matcher
‘ldm_bucket_size_log` 1 - 8 0 (auto) log size of each bucket in the LDM hash table for collision resolution
‘ldm_hash_rate_log` 0 - 25 0 (auto) frequency of inserting/looking up entries into the LDM hash table
‘content_size_flag` true/false true enables writing of content size into frame header (if known)
‘checksum_flag` true/false false enables writing of 32-bits checksum of content at end of frame
‘dict_id_flag` true/false true enables writing of dictionary id into frame header
‘nb_workers` 0 - 200 0 (auto) number of threads spawned in parallel
‘job_size` 0 - 1073741824 0 (auto) size of job (nb_workers >= 1)
‘overlap_log` 0 - 9 0 (auto) overlap size, as a fraction of window size
‘window_log_max` 10 - 31 0 (auto) size limit (power of 2)
‘dictionary` ‘Dictionary` nil chose dictionary
‘pledged_size` 0 - inf 0 (auto) size of input (if known)

There are internal buffers for compressed and decompressed data. For example you want to use 1 KB as source_buffer_length for compressor - please use 256 B as destination_buffer_length. You want to use 256 B as source_buffer_length for decompressor - please use 1 KB as destination_buffer_length.

gvl is disabled by default, this mode allows running multiple compressors/decompressors in different threads simultaneously. Please consider enabling gvl if you don’t want to launch processors in separate threads. If gvl is enabled ruby won’t waste time on acquiring/releasing VM lock.

String and File will set :pledged_size automaticaly.

You can also read zstd docs for more info about options.

Option Related constants
‘compression_level` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_COMPRESSION_LEVEL` = -131072, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_COMPRESSION_LEVEL` = 22
‘window_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_WINDOW_LOG` = 10, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_WINDOW_LOG` = 31
‘hash_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_HASH_LOG` = 6, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_HASH_LOG` = 30
‘chain_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_CHAIN_LOG` = 6, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_CHAIN_LOG` = 30
‘search_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_SEARCH_LOG` = 1, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_SEARCH_LOG` = 30
‘min_match` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_MIN_MATCH` = 3, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_MIN_MATCH` = 7
‘target_length` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_TARGET_LENGTH` = 0, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_TARGET_LENGTH` = 131072
‘strategy` ‘ZSTDS::Option::STRATEGIES` = `%i[fast dfast greedy lazy lazy2 btlazy2 btopt btultra btultra2]`
‘ldm_hash_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_LDM_HASH_LOG` = 6, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_LDM_HASH_LOG` = 30
‘ldm_min_match` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_LDM_MIN_MATCH` = 4, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_LDM_MIN_MATCH` = 4096
‘ldm_bucket_size_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_LDM_BUCKET_SIZE_LOG` = 1, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_LDM_BUCKET_SIZE_LOG` = 8
‘ldm_hash_rate_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_LDM_HASH_RATE_LOG` = 0, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_LDM_HASH_RATE_LOG` = 25
‘nb_workers` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_NB_WORKERS` = 0, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_NB_WORKERS` = 200
‘job_size` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_JOB_SIZE` = 0, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_JOB_SIZE` = 1073741824
‘overlap_log` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_OVERLAP_LOG` = 0, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_OVERLAP_LOG` = 9
‘window_log_max` ‘ZSTDS::Option::MIN_WINDOW_LOG_MAX` = 10, `ZSTDS::Option::MAX_WINDOW_LOG_MAX` = 31

Possible compressor options:


Possible decompressor options:



require "zstds"

data = ZSTDS::String.compress "sample string", :compression_level => 5
puts ZSTDS::String.decompress(data, :window_log_max => 11)


String maintains destination buffer only, so it accepts destination_buffer_length option only.

::compress(source, options = {})
::decompress(source, options = {})

source is a source string.


File maintains both source and destination buffers, it accepts both source_buffer_length and destination_buffer_length options.

::compress(source, destination, options = {})
::decompress(source, destination, options = {})

source and destination are file pathes.


Its behaviour is similar to builtin {Zlib::GzipWriter}.

Writer maintains destination buffer only, so it accepts destination_buffer_length option only.

::open(file_path, options = {}, :external_encoding => nil, :transcode_options => {}, &block)

Open file path and create stream writer associated with opened file. Data will be transcoded to :external_encoding using :transcode_options before compressing.

It may be tricky to use both :pledged_size and :transcode_options. You have to provide size of transcoded input.

::new(destination_io, options = {}, :external_encoding => nil, :transcode_options => {})

Create stream writer associated with destination io. Data will be transcoded to :external_encoding using :transcode_options before compressing.

It may be tricky to use both :pledged_size and :transcode_options. You have to provide size of transcoded input.

#set_encoding(external_encoding, nil, transcode_options)

Set another encodings, nil is just for compatibility with IO.


See {IO} docs.


See {Zlib::GzipWriter} docs.

#write_nonblock(object, *options)

Special asynchronous methods missing in Zlib::GzipWriter. rewind wants to close, close wants to write something and flush, flush want to write something. So it is possible to have asynchronous variants for these synchronous methods. Behaviour is the same as IO#write_nonblock method.

#putc(object, :encoding => 'ASCII-8BIT')

Typical helpers, see {Zlib::GzipWriter} docs.


Its behaviour is similar to builtin {Zlib::GzipReader}.

Reader maintains both source and destination buffers, it accepts both source_buffer_length and destination_buffer_length options.

::open(file_path, options = {}, :external_encoding => nil, :internal_encoding => nil, :transcode_options => {}, &block)

Open file path and create stream reader associated with opened file. Data will be force encoded to :external_encoding and transcoded to :internal_encoding using :transcode_options after decompressing.

::new(source_io, options = {}, :external_encoding => nil, :internal_encoding => nil, :transcode_options => {})

Create stream reader associated with source io. Data will be force encoded to :external_encoding and transcoded to :internal_encoding using :transcode_options after decompressing.

#set_encoding(external_encoding, internal_encoding, transcode_options)

Set another encodings.


See {IO} docs.

#read(bytes_to_read = nil, out_buffer = nil)

See {Zlib::GzipReader} docs.

#readpartial(bytes_to_read = nil, out_buffer = nil)
#read_nonblock(bytes_to_read, out_buffer = nil, *options)

See {IO} docs.



#gets(separator = $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, limit = nil)

Typical helpers, see {Zlib::GzipReader} docs.


You can train dictionary from samples using train class method.

::train(samples, :capacity => 0)

Please review zstd code before using it. There are many validation requirements and it changes between versions.


There is an attribute reader for buffer. You can use it to store dictionary somewhere.


Please use regular constructor to create dictionary from buffer.


Read dictionary id from buffer.

Thread safety

:gvl option is disabled by default, you can use bindings effectively in multiple threads. Please be careful: bindings are not thread safe. You should lock all shared data between threads.

For example: you should not use same compressor/decompressor inside multiple threads. Please verify that you are using each processor inside single thread at the same time.


Please visit scripts/test-images. See universal test script scripts/ for CI.


MIT license, see LICENSE and AUTHORS.